Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gumbites vs Pukites

It’s a historical fact that back in the 1800s, Missourians were sometimes referred to as Pukites*. It’s a lesser known historical fact that Kansans were sometimes called Gumbites*. These two faction’s hatred of each other goes back to the pre-Civil War border war period (much like today’s Jaywalk vs Tigers sports rivalry, except today they don’t kill each other).

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view), elements of both of these radical groups still exist today. Members live in the past and on average possess lower IQs. Like with a severe case of attention deficit disorder, these poor folks can only fixate and obsess over one thing at a time.

In today’s modern world of the internet, blogs, and emails, misinformation can be distributed faster than you can say Enfatinturelitism. This modern technology gives new found power and perceived importance to these radical groups.

Gumby though, always a student and friend of history, has a celebrity honorary membership to the Osawatomie Kansas chapter of the John Brown Gumbite and Red Leg Society Post 34 (so numbered for Kansas being the 34th state in the Union – admitted as a free-state).

As good fortune would have it, Gumby was at a recent John Brown meeting when, low and behold, who should pop her perky little head into the meetin’ room? None other than ex-mayor, ex-VP candidate, ex-governor, ex-front page news, ex-future-mother-in-law, celebrity-wanna-be Sarah Palin! (woo-hoo!) Gumby and all the rest of the ol’ boys were stunned like a duck hit on the head with a club. Gumby was so excited at the sight of Palin that he wet himself (just a little).
Palin was heard to say “Gosh darn it you boys are hotter than a space heater on a cold January night in Fairbanks” and called Gumby “a true American maverick”.

Shown in the exclusive photo above is a gun-totin’ Palin with Gumby and his fellow Gumbites. Afterward, Palin asked “Do you boys have a helicopter I can borrow to go wolf hunting?”

Foot notes:
*Pukite – The Dictionary of American Regional English (Vol. 4, Harvard University Press, 2002) lists 1831 as the first reference to Missourians being referred to as "pukes," while the noted Ozarks folklorist Vance Randolph discusses the origin of the term at length in his book Down in the Holler: a Gallery of Ozarks Folk Speech (University of Oklahoma Press, 1953, 1986). One theory of the origin of the term cites a story that residents of St. Louis in the early 19th century "got the pukes" from eating local wild greens, or gathered Illinois "puke­roots" to stem the sickness, thus becoming "puke-hunters" or "pukes." Randolph mentions on page 274 that residents of Arkansas & Oklahoma frequently referred to Missouri as "The Puke Territory" or the "Puke Nation."

*Gumbite – A small green toy, a follower of a small green toy, or one who professes the teachings and beliefs of a small green toy. Commonly a wearer of wool and a chapeau. Commonly armed, but not dangerous.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Great Gumby Look-Alike Contest

In true competition fashion, Gumby hosted a cable reality show for those contestants who thought they looked like the famous (the one and only) Gumby. The show, called “Everybody Is Gumby”, started with 16 people (and other sentient beings) and one per week was voted off.

This photo shows the final two contestants; both considered favorites since the reality series began. The taller one not only had the perfect Gumby look, but also the Gumby voice down so well it made Gumby’s little plastic skin get goose bumps. He even fooled Gumby’s Mother, Gabby, in a fake phone call as part of one episode. The final winner was the small one. Exit polls from the judges table indicated the feature that won them over were the ears. The semi-finalist was heard complaining “Hey wait a darn minute! Gumby ain’t even got no ears! I had mine taken off!”

Besides host Gumby, voting judges included fellow “greenies” the GEICO Gecko, Mr Green Jeans (from the Capt Kangaroo TV show), Kermit (the frog), Paula Abdul (in green face paint), and special guest ex-politician Rod Blagojevich (as the token white guy with big hair).

Everyone was in tears during the last show while the judge’s votes were tallied and Paula Abdul sang a slow sultry version of “It Ain’t Easy Being Green”. Kermit the frog fainted from emotion and was taken to a local hospital for observation.

Blagojevich denies any money changed hands for his final or any semi-final look-alike vote. His book about the Gumby show and the defense of his voting is to be published later this year to coincide with an 87-city publicity tour and talk show circuit (watch for upcoming press release).

Friday, September 11, 2009

Gumby Catches Whoppers

One of Gumby favorite pastimes is fishing. He doesn’t get to go very often, though, due to his hectic appearance schedule. However, Labor Day offered an opportunity to do some fishin’ in the ol’ waterin’ hole – Indian Creek. This is the same water location where Gumby performs his daily hydropathy of rubbing himself all over with water using a good stiff brush or coarse sandpaper. This produces a delightful glow if not performed to vigorously. Water therapy works wonders for health – but that’s a different topic.

Anyway, back to fishing. Gumby had one of his best days ever! Indeed, it was the biggest fish ever caught in that creek. They were longer as he was tall. When he got home he said “Gumby catch some whoppers THIS BIG” as he stretched his little plastic arms out as far as they would reach. “Make no bones about it, Gumby having catfish and tarter sauce tonight – yum yum!!”.